
Showing posts with the label Castel Sant’Angelo

Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome, Italy

Rome offers an abundance of monuments and sights rich in history, stories and legends. Castel Sant’Angelo is one which truly encompasses the essence of the city’s transformation throughout the centuries. A mausoleum, a fortress, a hideaway, a museum… The castle had numerous roles throughout the history and remains a subject of fascination even today.  Castel Sant’Angelo’s story is as complex as the multi-layered structure of the castle itself. Its walls have seen more than 1800 years of blood, wars and death.It was first built between 123 and 139 AD to serve as the mausoleum of the Roman emperor, Hadrian, and his family. Legend has it that the name of the castle was given after the Archangel Michael appeared at the top of the castle sheathing his sword and with that, ending the plague of 590 which tormented Rome. An imposing statue of the angel can be seen on top of the castle. In the 14th century, Castel Sant’Angelo took on the role of a military fortress connected...